My AutoBiography

My name is Desirae Sullivan and I am 21 years old and this is my second semester at BCC. I graduated at Westport High School in 2012. I then took 2 years off to meet my biological family in Arizona and Oklahoma. I had been in foster care for 13 years, I thought it was time to meet my biological family. It was a terrible but necessary experience. I stayed out West for two years, adapting to the weather and in turn my family. Culture shock was a new word I learned very well. After two years away from Massachusetts I decided to move back. I missed my home town. I missed chourico, coffee milk, and Sam’s meat pies. I can say that what I missed the most was the way people talked to each other. The  way people spoke to each other and the grammar the used was very different and uncomfortable to me.  I now live with my boyfriend  and two cats in our apartment in the city. I love being back in college. This is my turn around point in life. I am at a point in life where I am taking control and shaping my life. This is me, and that is a little bit about me and my life.

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